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   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Mis-Design of The Metric System Another Unnoticed Engineering Error  "},
   type          = "Draft Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120006"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article explains the flaws in the design of the metric system and provides
a rationale for why it has not been universally adopted.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/draft/essays/geeky/misDesignMetric"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Responsibilities of the First Generation Internet Engineers   "},
   type          = "Draft Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120008"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "In raw American model of capitalism money rules all and the notion of a

profession is limited to that of a revenue source for the individual. That model leads to societies the likes of America. However, elsewhere with humanity in the picture, society and professions have responsibilities towards each other.
Progress and change (e.g., technology) bring about situations where the welfare of the society may be adversely impacted unless the profession most intimate with that change acts on behalf of the society for the benefit of the society. The Internet has had profound effects on societies and as an Internet engineer, I have certain responsibilities.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/draft/essays/general/engineerResponsibility" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Khodzadegi (Self-Toxication) خوØ&hibar; زØ&hibar;Ú&hibar;ی   And the Nature of Non-Matter Cure: Abolishment the Intelectual Property Rights Regime "},
   type          = "Draft Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120009"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Khodzadegi (Self-Toxication) is the disease that inflicts a society when

capitalism becomes not just the economic model, but also the societal model as well. It takes an Iranian Software Engineer to identify America as a terminally ill society and to identify the ramifications of propagation of the Western Intelectual Property Regime to the East. It may be too late for America, but there is an Eastern solution.
Many symptoms of the rotting of the American society have become more clear in the past several years. The absolute total failure of health care, lack of truth in mainstream American media, bogus invasions of sovereign land are some such symptoms. These in turn signal failures of the professions of Journalism, Medicine and Politics in America.
The ill that has brough these symptoms is that capitalism kills professions. There are measures that members of each profession should take to defend their profession. The key measure that I focus on for my profession (Software Engineering) is the rejection of Intelectual Property regime.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/draft/essays/general/capitalismKillsProfessions" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Death of the American Journalist   "},
   type          = "Draft Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120010"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/draft/essays/general/deathOfAmericanJournalist"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Death of the American Doctor   "},
   type          = "Draft Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120011"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/draft/essays/general/deathOfAmericanDoctor"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Death of the American Academic   "},
   type          = "Draft Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120012"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "**** Part of Khodzadgi ****

This article is part of tha series of Khodzadegi (Self-Toxxication) articles. The trust of Khodzadegi is that when the balance between self and society is overly in favor of the individual, as it is in America to the extreme, professions start to die.
**** Death of the American Academic **** Academics play an important role in the well being of the society. Their role falls into two broad categories:
The process that has made the American economic model the American societal model has corrupted both teaching and research. I use my own school (and my sonâ€TMs) – University of Washington – as an example and case study.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/draft/essays/general/deathOfAmericanAcademic" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" The dotCon Attack on the Engineering Profession   "},
   type          = "Draft Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120014"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/draft/essays/general/dotConAttackOnEngineering"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" The English Language Needs the Word Libre   "},
   type          = "Draft Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120015"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "In english \"free\" is confusing because when using the term \"free\", it sometimes

mean free of charge, sometimes free of speech, and sometimes both ! So we want to encourage the use of the word \"Libre\" when the freedom aspect of \"free\" is intended.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/draft/essays/general/englishNeedsLibre" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" My Take on the 4 Stages of Life and Where Am I  "},
   type          = "Draft Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120016"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Many cultures split life into 4 stages. With various variations these 4 stages

are often labeled as:

  • 1- Student Stage -- 0-25 years old -- When we focus on Learing
  • 2- Worker Stage -- 25-45 years old -- When we are providers
  • 3- Stateman Stage -- 45-65 years old -- When we focus on giving back to the society (activism)
  • 4- Wiseman Stage -- 65--death -- When we give advice and mentor

    My take on these 4 stages is that activism is a way of life, not a stage of life.", location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/draft/essays/general/myTakeOn4StagesOfLife" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Khodzadegi (Self-Toxication) Presentation   "},
   type          = "Draft Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120031"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"April"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Presentation form of Khodzadegi.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/draft/essays/general/KhodzadegiPresentation"



   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude, Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" The Mobile Messaging Industry   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100001"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"August"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides an overview of the Mobile Messaging industry, and a

description of the essential factors that are required for its long term success and growth.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/MobileMessagingIndustry" }


   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude, Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" The LEAP Protocol Development Model   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100002"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"August"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a description of the processes used to develop the LEAP

protocols, and how and why these differ from conventional development processes. This article also includes a criticism of the IETF protocol development processes.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/DevelopmentModel" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" EMSD Efficiency   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100003"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"October"},
   year          = "1996",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article analyzes the efficiency characteristics of EMSD and comparing its
efficiency to other e-mail protocols.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/EMSDefficiency"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Efficient Mail Submission and Delivery (EMSD) On Windows CE   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100004"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"March"},
   year          = "1997",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a technical description which describing the architecture
and implementation of EMSD on Windows CE devices.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/EMSDonWinCE"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" LEAP: One Alternative to WAP   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100005"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"December"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a point-by-point comparison of the LEAP protocols to the

WAP specifications. This article demonstrates that LEAP has all the desirable characteristics of an industry standard protocol that WAP lacks.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/OneAlternative" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Operation Whiteberry Creation of a Truly Open Mobile Messaging Solution  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100006"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2001",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a description of how equivalent functionality to the

closed BlackBerry mobile messaging solution can be implemented based on a completely open model, using existing open-source software implementations of LEAP, and existing off-the-shelf hardware components.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/OperationWhiteberry" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" LEAP in Java   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100007"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2003",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a technical description which describing the architecture
and implementation of LEAP in JAVA.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/LEAPinJava"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" LEAP on PalmOS   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100008"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2001",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a technical description which describing the architecture
and implementation of LEAP on Palm OS devices.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/EMSDonPalmOS"



   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude, Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" WAP Scraps What can be salvaged from what remains of WAP?  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100010"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"August"},
   year          = "2001",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article is a follow-on to our previous article \"The WAP Trap.\" It

describes how XHTML and LEAP can render WAP irrelevant. It then deals with what to do with what is left of WAP. This paper too, is likely to cause considerable controversy.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/WapScraps" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Draft-Manifesto   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100011"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{UnSpecifiedUrl}{UnSpecifiedUrl}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/books/draftManifesto"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" The Lightweight & Efficient Application Protocols (LEAP) Manifesto Using Free Protocols & Free Software to build  the Mobile & Wireless Applications Industry "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100012"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"October"},
   year          = "2001",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document describes the Lightweight & Efficient Application Protocols
(LEAP), a set of protocols for mobile and wireless applications.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/books/currentManifesto"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Use of EMSD for Mail Notification   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100013"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2001",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/MailNotificationEMSD"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" The WAP Trap An Expose of the Wireless Application Protocol  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100014"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"April"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a detailed criticism of a set of specifications called

the Wireless Application Protocol, or WAP. This article demonstrates that WAP is entirely unfit to play the role of a Mobile Messaging industry standard. This article has been translated into French. The French translation is available as PLPC-100015.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/WapTrap" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Le WAP à la trappe Un exposé sur le Wireless Application Protocol Traduit par Raymond et Jérôme Mohsen "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100015"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"May"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Au-delà de ses failles techniques et de procédure, nous pensons que le WAP

représente une erreur fondamentale de conception de ce qui peut être réalisé en utilisant des téléphones cellulaires, et de ce que les utilisateurs vont vraiment vouloir faire avec leurs téléphones. La messagerie mobile et la recherche de l'Internet mobile représentent deux formes très différentes d'activité de communications. La messagerie mobile signifie une possibilité d'envoyer et de recevoir des messages personnels, tandis que la recherche de l'Internet signifie une récupération d'information d'où que ce soit.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/leWAPtrappe" }


   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude, Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" WhiteBerry and {Bluetooth} Use of EMSD and Short Range Wireless Connectivity for Enhanced Mobile Messaging Applications "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100016"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"July"},
   year          = "2001",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a description of how WhiteBerry and Bluetooth can be used

in combination to bring new and enhanced messaging capabilities to the mobile professional.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/LEAPandBluetooth" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Lessons from History: Comparitive Case Studies   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100017"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"August"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides an analysis of the factors which lead to the success or
failure of protocols, including discussions of several historical case studies.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/LessonsFromHistory"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Strategy for Making LEAP Widespread   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100018"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"August"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a description of our strategy for encouraging widespread

usage of the LEAP protocols, including the distribution of open-source software implementations of the protocols, and the availability of free subscriber services.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/WidespreadStrategy" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Trying Out LEAP   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100019"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"June"},
   year          = "1998",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a step-by-step, hands-on demonstration of how the LEAP

protocols can be used to turn any Windows CE device into a fully functional Mobile Messaging device.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/TryingOutLeap" }


   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude, Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" A Brief History of LEAP   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100020"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"August"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a summary of the major events in the evolution of the
LEAP protocols.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/HistoryOfLeap"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" ESRO: A Foundation for the Development of Efficient Protocols   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100021"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"August"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a technical description of ESRO, the transport mechanism
component of LEAP.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/ESROcomponent"



   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude, Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" The Future of LEAP   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100022"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"August"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a description of the planned future development of LEAP,

including descriptions of several LEAP-based products and services which are currently under development.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/FutureOfLeap" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Overview of the LEAP Protocols   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100023"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"August"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a general overview description of the LEAP protocols.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/OverviewOfLeap"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" LEAP on Linux PDAs   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100024"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"October"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a technical description which describing the architecture
and implementation of LEAP on Linux Based PDAs.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/LEAPonLinuxPDAs"



   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude, Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" WAP - The Patent Problem   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100025"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"May"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/WapShortPatentProblem"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" EMSD: The LEAP E-Mail Component   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100026"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"August"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a technical description of EMSD, the e-mail component of
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/EMSDcomponent"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Libre Texting with WiFi++ Use of EMSD and Short Range Wireless Connectivity for Enhanced Mobile Messaging Applications "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100027"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a description of how WhiteBerry and WiFi++ can be used in

combination to bring new and enhanced messaging capabilities to the mobile professional.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LEAP/leapManifesto/article/LEAPandWiFiPlusPlus" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Libre Services A non-proprietary model for delivery of Internet services  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100101"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"March"},
   year          = "2006",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Libre Services are an extension of the principles of free software into the

Internet services domain. They are Internet services that can be freely copied and reused by anyone. Any company or organization can reproduce and host any Libre Service, either for its own use, or for commercial or non-commercial delivery to others. The Libre Services model exists in relation to the proprietary Internet services model of AOL, MSN, Yahoo and Google, in an analogous way to how GNU/Linux exists in relation to Microsoft Windows. In essence, the Libre Services model represents a proposed definition of the free software ideology within the services domain. We have articulated the Libre model fully in the form of an industry paper titled, \"Libre Services: a non-proprietary model for delivery of Internet services,\" available online at The interested reader can choose to read more, or less, than this defining paper. For the reader wishing to read less, the key ideas are summarized in the form of a brief Executive_Summary.
And for the reader wishing to read more, the Libre concept paper is itself part of a larger set of papers collectively called the \"Libre Services Manifesto,\" describing every aspect of the Libre model, including a project-based model for collaborative participation and bootstrapping. The full manifesto is available at",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LibreServices/LS-general" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Libre Services: A non-proprietary model for delivery of Internet services Technical Version "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100102"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"April"},
   year          = "2006",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article describes the Libre Services concept, and how we intend to turn it
into a reality.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LibreServices/LS-technical"



   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude, Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Libre Services: Projects for Bootstrapping  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100103"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"April"},
   year          = "2006",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This paper defines a set of projects representing the major stages of work
required for bootstrapping the Libre Services industry into existence.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LibreServices/LS-projects"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Libre Services Concept -- Presentation Format   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100104"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "A presentation of Libre Services Concept",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LibreServices/LS-presentation"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" The Libre Services Manifesto   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100105"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Libre Services are an extension of the principles of free software into the

Internet services domain. They are Internet services that can be freely copied and reused by anyone. Any company or organization can reproduce and host any Libre Service, either for its own use, or for commercial or non-commercial delivery to others. The Libre Services model exists in relation to the proprietary Internet services model of AOL, MSN, Yahoo and Google, in an analogous way to how GNU/Linux exists in relation to Microsoft Windows. In essence, the Libre Services model represents a proposed definition of the free software ideology within the services domain. We have articulated the Libre model fully in the form of an industry paper titled, \"Libre Services: a non-proprietary model for delivery of Internet services,\" available online at The interested reader can choose to read more, or less, than this defining paper. For the reader wishing to read less, the key ideas are summarized in the form of a brief Executive_Summary.
And for the reader wishing to read more, the Libre concept paper is itself part of a larger set of papers collectively called the \"Libre Services Manifesto,\" describing every aspect of the Libre model, including a project-based model for collaborative participation and bootstrapping. The full manifesto is available at",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/LibreServices/fullManifesto" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" The Free Protocols Foundation Policies and Procedures   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100201"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"March"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article provides a description of the Free Protocols Foundations
processses to ensure the development and maintenance of patent-free protocols.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/freeProtocolProcess"



   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude, Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" FPF Position Statement September 12, 2002 -- U.S. Patent # 6,219,694   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100202"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2002",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article communicates Free Protocols Foundation's September 12, 2002

position regarding the Research in Motion (RIM) Mobile E-Mail Patent Assertion (Patent# 6,219,694, entitled System and method for pushing information from a host system to a mobile data communication device having a shared electronic address).",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/positionStatements/position-rim-6219694" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" FPF Position Statement July 31, 2001 -- U.S. Patent # 6,219,694   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"100203"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"July"},
   year          = "2001",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This article communicates Free Protocols Foundation's July 31, 2001 position

regarding the Research in Motion (RIM) Mobile E-Mail Patent Assertion (Patent# 6,219,694, entitled System and method for pushing information from a host system to a mobile data communication device having a shared electronic address).",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/permanent/positionStatements/position-rim-010731" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" The By* Concept: A Unified Model for Internet Services  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110001"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"January"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This paper describes the deployment of the ByStarBody.tex ByStarTable.fm5

ByStarTable.txt services as the new model for delivery of Internet Services, planet-wide.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/ByStar/ByStarConcept" }


   author        = {" Neda Communications, Inc, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" The By* Family of Libre Services: The future of the Internet Services industry An Open Business Plan "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110002"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"March"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Provides a complete description of Neda's business plan and execution strategy.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/ByStar/BusPlan"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Neda's By family of Libre Services A Vision and a Cooperative Execution Plan  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110004"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"March"},
   year          = "2008",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document describes the long-term strategic vision for Neda's By family of

Libre Services. Additionaly it creates a framework for cooperative exection of that vision.
As By Libre Services are copyleft and patent-free, the entire concept is positioned as an instance example for operation in the for-profit nonproprietary quadrant.
Our vision and plans are lofty, ambitious and extensive. We have spent considerable effort articulating our vision and inviting participation of others. All in one place our full vision as a collection of articles is publicly available in this document.
The basic underlying principles of our vision are these:

  • The correct model for software is the Free Software model
  • The correct model for Internet Services is the Libre Services model
  • The correct model for a coherent set of Libre Services is the By unified model By \"correct\" we mean that these models bring far greater benefits than their proprietary counterparts. The benefits we speak of are not a set of abstract idealizations, conceived without reference to the practical realities of the world. The Free and Libre models bring real and practical benefits to all relevant constituencies, including societal, engineering, and business. The Free Software model is now well established as a viable reality, and is being energetically moved forward by others. Our strategic vision concerns the second underlying principle: the Libre Services model. Our goal is to establish Libre Services as a viable model for delivery of Internet Services, and eventually as the dominant model, worldwide. The realization of this ambition has two major dimensions: public, and private.
  • The public dimension. In contrast to the proprietary services model, Libre Services are a commnunal public resource, not owned by anyone, freely available for use by society at large. Development and promotion of the general Libre Services model must therefore take place in a noncommercial, public context. The general Libre Services movement is being led by the Free Protocols Foundation (FPF), a non-profit organization dedicated to the maintenance of patent-free protocols and software. For more information visit the FPF website at:
  • The private dimension. If Libre Services are to come into widespread usage they must be operated, delivered and supported for end users. In practical terms, this is something that must be done by service providers in a private, commercial context. Somewhere in all this there must be a business model that supports delivery of Libre Services to individual users. Neda Communications, Inc. is exercising leadership in the commercial arena. We have formulated an appropriate business model, and we are the first company to deploy and operate Libre Services in a commercial context. For more information visit the Neda website at: http:// The public dimension of this initiative is fully described in a document called the Libre Services Manifesto, written and published by the FPF. This document is available at: The present document, titled Neda Strategic Direction Statement, provides a complete description of Neda's long-term business direction and strategy. Our strategy is based fundamentally on the Libre Services model, and therefore a complete understanding of our strategy also requires a complete understanding of the Libre Services model. This document therefore includes the Libre Services Manifesto as a subset. This document also includes a description of the commercial constructs Neda has built on top of the Libre Services model. Our goal is to provide in a single document everthing required to understand what we are doing.",

    location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/ByStar/fullStrategy" }


   author        = {" Neda Communications, Inc, Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" The By * Family of Libre Services for Network Service Providers: Generic Proposal A strategy for rapid entry into the Internet Application Services market A proposal "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110005"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This proposal presents a strategy for a Network Service Provider to rapidly

extend its service offering to include comprehensive Layer 7 capabilities and is directed towards any provider of network-oriented services.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/ByStar/ByStarPublicProposal" }


   author        = {" Neda Communications, Inc, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Q4/2001 Neda Business Plan Using a new and powerful Wireless Messaging Protocol to capture the Wireless Application Service Provider market LEAP: An Alternative to WAP "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110006"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"October"},
   year          = "2001",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Provides a complete description of Neda's Q1-2001 business plan and execution
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LEAP/Q4-2001-BusPlan"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Overview of Engineering Dimmensions of ByStar Libre Services   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110007"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document is intended to provide a description the engineering and
developmental models for Libre Services.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/ByStar/ByStarEngOverview"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Overview of Operational Dimmensions of Libre Services   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110008"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document is intended to provide a

description of the general operational requirements for deployed Libre Services.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/ByStar/ByStarOperationsOverview" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" ByStar Libre Engine Release Notes   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110009"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document is intended to provide the engineering release notes necessary to
recreate By-equivalent services based on the By Libre Engines.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/ByStar/ByStarReleaseNotes"



   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude, Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Neda ByStar Business Plan: Investor FAQs  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110010"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"January"},
   year          = "2010",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document is a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) list for investors. These

are some of the questions most commonly asked by prospective investors, along with our responses.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/ByStar/FaqBusPlan" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" ByStar Libre Texting First Step Towards ByStar Libre Services  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110011"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"December"},
   year          = "2008",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "ByStar Libre Texting provides the equivalent of phone companies texting

services and Blackberry mobile messaging based on Free Software, Public Spectrum, Open Devices and Libre Services. We build on the concept of Libre Texting and our existing ByStar Libre Services capabilities to deliver ByStar Libre Texting as an end-to-end Internet service.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LibreTexting/Presentation/NedaByStarTexting" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Libre Texting A Reshaping of the Medium  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110012"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"January"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This presentation document describes Libre Texting, a completely non-

proprietary implementation of mobile texting. Existing mobile texting implementations (telephony SMS, and mobile email solutions such as BlackBerry) are walled-garden implementations, closely protected by patents, copyright, trade secrecy, and proprietary protocols. By contrast Libre Texting is implemented using public wireless spectrum, open networks, off-the-shelf generic hardware components, patent-free protocols, and 100% free software. The result is a mobile texting solution with no closed or proprietary dependencies. It can be implemented by any company or organization immediately, either for in-house use, or for commercial delivery to end users. In addition to being a stand-alone application, Libre Texting is also part of something much bigger: it is the tactical spearhead for introduction of the By Libre_Services.
In this presentation we provide an analysis of the mobile texting medium, and enumerate all the components necessary to implement this as a truly Libre solution. These include: public wireless spectrum, wireless Internet, patentfree efficient texting protocols, open texting devices, free device software, and matching Internet service software. All these components exist and are in place today.
We have implemented a Libre solution using a Linux PDA (Nokia 810), local WiFi for wireless device connectivity, and our own Libre Texting message center. The result is complete, end-to-end Libre Texting functionality. In situations where local WiFi is not available, we use MURS public wireless spectrum for wide area connectivity. During the presentation we provide a live demonstration. The following documents provide additional information related to this presentation.
Libre Texting Concept

  • Operation Whiteberry PLPC-100006
  • Libre Texting with WiFi++ PLPC-100027 Libre Texting Protocols
  • EMSD RFC-2524
  • ESRO RFC-2188
  • LEAP Manifesto PLPC-100012 Libre Services
  • The Libre Services Concept PLPC-100101
  • Libre Services Manifesto PLPC-100105 ByStar Libre Services
  • The ByStar Concept PLPC-110001
  • By Libre Services: Full Documentation Set PLPC-110004 Engineering
  • Software in source form
  • Software in binary form Participation
  • Neda Open Business Plan The_By*LibreServices:Thefuture_of_the Internet_Services_industry.
  • ByStar for ISPs: Unsolicited Proposal PLPC-110005
  • Libre Services: Projects for Bootstrapping PLPC-100103", location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LibreTexting/Presentation/FullByStarTexting" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" The By Family of Libre Services A non-proprietary model for delivery of Internet services  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110013"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"March"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This presentation document describes the deployment of By Libre Services as a

new model for delivery of Internet Services. The presentation covers three major topics:

  1. The Libre Services model Libre Services is a non-proprietary model for delivery of Internet services. Libre Services are an extension of the principles of free software into the Internet services domain. They are Internet services that can be freely copied and reused by anyone. Any company or organization can reproduce and host any Libre Service, either for its own use, or for commercial or non-commercial delivery to others. The Libre Services model exists in relation to the proprietary Internet services model of AOL, MSN, Yahoo and Google, in an analogous way to how GNU/Linux exists in relation to Microsoft Windows. A detailed description of the Libre concept is provided in the document titled, Libre Services: A non-proprietary model for delivery of Internet services, available at:
  2. The By Services model Libre Services is a development and deployment model, but it says nothing about service functionality. By (pronounced \"by-star\") is a specific implementation of the Libre model. By is a unified services model, unifying and making consistent a large number of services that today exist in functional isolation. It is a coherent, integrated family of services, providing the user with a comprehensive, all-encompassing Internet experience. The By family presently includes ByName, ByAlias, ByMemory and BySMB/ ForSMB. In the works and coming soon are additional services for individuals (ByFamily, ByNumber), services for personal and business interaction (ByWhere, ByEvent, ByTopic, ByInteraction, ByLookup, ByHookup), and software distribution services (BySource, ByBinary). The By services are based on 100% free software and patent-free protocols, and are thus completely transparent and reproducible by anyone. They are a communal public resource, not owned by anyone, freely available for use by society at large. A complete description of By is provided in the document titled, The By Concept: A Unified Model for Internet Services, available at:
  3. The business model Though the Libre Services model is non-proprietary, in practical terms service deployment must remain largely within the for-profit sector. The Libre deployment model represents a radical shift of the Internet Services industry from the for-profit, proprietary quadrant, to the forprofit, non-proprietary quadrant. In this space the entire software for an Internet service remains a communal public resource in the trust of the engineering profession, while service deployment is driven forward by the full force of for-profit commercial motivations. Therefore an essential component of the Libre deployment model is its commercial dimension. A coherent business model is required to motivate service deployment by commercial service providers. A complete description of the business model is provided in the form of an Open Business Plan titled, The By Family of Libre Services: The future of the Internet Services industry, available at:", location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/ByStar/Presentation/ByStarLibreServices" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Libre Texting A Reshaping of the Medium A new Morphology for the Medium "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110014"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"May"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document describes Libre Texting, a completely non-proprietary

implementation of mobile texting.
Existing mobile texting implementations (telephony SMS, and mobile email solutions such as BlackBerry) are walled-garden implementations, closely protected by patents, copyright, trade secrecy, and proprietary protocols. By contrast Libre Texting is implemented using public wireless spectrum, open networks, off-the-shelf generic hardware components, patent-free protocols, and 100% free software. The result is a mobile texting solution with no closed or proprietary dependencies. It can be implemented by any company or organization immediately, either for in-house use, or for commercial delivery to end users. In addition to being a stand-alone application, Libre Texting is also part of something much bigger: it is the tactical spearhead for introduction of the By* Libre_Services.
In this we provide an analysis of the mobile texting medium, and enumerate all the components necessary to implement this as a truly Libre solution. These include: public wireless spectrum, wireless Internet, patent-free efficient texting protocols, open texting devices, free device software, and matching Internet service software. All these components exist and are in place today. We have implemented a Libre solution using a Linux PDA (Nokia 810), local WiFi for wireless device connectivity, and our own Libre Texting message center. The result is complete, end-to-end Libre Texting functionality. In situations where local WiFi is not available, we use MURS public wireless spectrum for wide area connectivity.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LibreTexting/ReshapingOfMedium/article" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Libre Texting: A Collaborative Initiative And a Reference Implementation  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110015"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"June"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This project proposes Libre Texting: a new incarnation of the Mobile Email/

Wireless Texting (henceforth ``Texting'') medium, based on the Free Software ideology. Today the Texting industry is dominated by the proprietary, walled garden model. Libre Texting aims to provide equivalent functionality to existing proprietary Texting solutions such as BlackBerry, but (a) based entirely on patent-free protocols and free software, (b) using any mobile Internet device, (c) wherever any type of wireless Internet connectivity is available. The proposed approach comprises five elements: (1) the inherent propagative power of the Free Software and end-to-end models, (2) an overlay network architecture, (3) a new set of messaging protocols, (4) a novel software architecture for Message Transfer Agent integration, and (5) a new software architecture for multiform device integration, based on DeviceResident End-MTA middleware. The proposed technology is highly synergistic with current industry dynamics, including: burgeoning recognition of the power of FOSS, ready availability of Linux-based mobile devices, and widespread Wi-Fi availability. Existing email protocols lack push-mode delivery, and bandwidth and power efficiency; the proposed new protocol profile corrects these shortcomings. The proposed research is to determine feasibility of all critical elements of this approach at large scale.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LibreTexting/LT_proposal/article" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" A Live Case Study for NSF SBIR Proposal No. 0946146 Libre Texting: A Reshaping of the Medium  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110016"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"November"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document is a case study of NSF SBIR proposal number 0946146, titled

\"Libre Texting: A Reshaping of the Medium.\" The proposal was submitted by Neda Communications, Inc. to the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program of the National Science Foundation (NSF) on June 9, 2009. The proposal was declined by the NSF. We received notification of this decision, along with the review comments, on November 02, 2009. We examined the NSF review comments closely, subjecting them to our own internal analysis and discussion. Our conclusion is that they are almost entirely incorrect, representing a near-total lack of understanding by the reviewers of the substance of the proposal. Based on this and our subsequent interactions with the NSF, we also believe there are serious process issues regarding NSF evaluation of non-proprietary SBIR proposals such as ours. We have established this case study to enable open consideration and discussion of these issues. The case study documents the entire trajectory of our proposal, from its initial submission through to its ultimate disposition. In particular, the case study includes our own counter-analysis of the NSF review comments. Here we provide point-by-point identification and clarification of the many technical errors and misstatements contained within the review comments.
The case study also includes references and pointers to all other relevant materials, including the original SBIR proposal, and the NSF review comments. These materials are web published and freely available online for examination by anyone.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LibreTexting/NsfSbir/caseStudy" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" ByStar Libre Texting Proposal for ISPs/ASPs and Handset Manufacturers   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110017"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"June"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LibreTexting/ByStarLT_proposal/article"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" ByStar Libre Texting Presentation   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110018"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"June"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LibreTexting/ByStarLT_proposal/presentation"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" ByStar Libre Texting Business Plan   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110019"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"June"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Provides a description of Neda's ByStar Libre Texting business plan and
execution strategy.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LibreTexting/ByStarLT_BusPlan/article"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" ByStar User Guide   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110020"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"August"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "By* User's Guide.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/ByStar/ByStarUserGuide"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Pinneke Tjandana "},
   title         = {" ByStar Libre Platform Genesis Process Supported Distributions: GNU/Debian, Ububtu, Maemo sparc and i386 CPU Architectures "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110101"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"July"},
   year          = "2008",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document applies to the genesis process for ByStar Libre Platform.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/engineering/nedaLibreGenesis"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Windows XP Computing Environment at Neda   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110102"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"October"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Notes and instructions for common use of Windows XP at Neda.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/engineering/nedaComputingEnvWinXP"



   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude, Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Neda Consulting Services   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110201"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"November"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document provides an overview of Neda's Consulting Services.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/marketing/NedaConsulting"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" CompanyBgConsulting   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110202"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"March"},
   year          = "2010",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/marketing/CompanyBgConsulting"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" forSmbSheet   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110203"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"March"},
   year          = "2010",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/marketing/forSmbSheet"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" DataCenterAnnounce   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110204"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"March"},
   year          = "2010",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/marketing/DataCenterAnnounce"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" readThisFirst   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110205"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"March"},
   year          = "2010",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/marketing/readThisFirst"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" thingsWeHaveBuilt   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110206"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"March"},
   year          = "2010",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/marketing/thingsWeHaveBuilt"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Open C Platform   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110301"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"July"},
   year          = "1998",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document describes the Open C Platform Library, a utility which aids in
the consistency of portable implementation of data communications software.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/software/openCPlatform"



   author        = {" Mohsen Banan "},
   title         = {" ESROS Application Programming Interface   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110302"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"January"},
   year          = "1999",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document describes the Application Programming Interface for Efficient

Short Remote Operation Services (ESROS). The ESRO Protocol is specified in RFC- 2188.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/software/esroApi" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Neda's Implementation of ESRO -- Source   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110303"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"January"},
   year          = "1999",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document provides details on the programming development environment of

Neda's source code of ESROS (Efficient Short Remote Operation Services) protocols. It will document the design of the system and the code written to implement those protocols.
The scope of this document is the protocols of Efficient Short Remote Operation Services as specified in RFC-2188.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/software/esroSrcDesc" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" EMSD-SA-Source Design and Implementation Notes   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110304"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {""},
   year          = "",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document explains the details of design and implementation of Neda

Reference Implementation of Efficient Mail Submission and Delivery Protocol which conforms to the EMSD Protocol Specifications. Documentation for ESROS (Efficient Short Remote Operation Services) is excluded from this document. This document is prepared for designers and developers of messaging systems that conform to EMSD Protocol Specifications as specified in RFC-2524.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/software/emsdpfs-server-srcDesc" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Neda's Implementation of EMSD-UA -- Source   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110305"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {""},
   year          = "",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document describes the design and implementation of EMSD-UA.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/software/emsdpfs-ua-srcDesc"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Pine-EMSD UA Design and Implementation Notes   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110306"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {""},
   year          = "",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document describes the design and implementation of PINE-EMSD user agent.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/software/pine-EMSD"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" EOE Design and Implementation Notes   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110401"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"December"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "EOE Design and Implementation Notes.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/EOE/eoe/eoeDesignNotes"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" BBDB Filters and Processors.   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110402"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"December"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "BBDB Filters is a collection of tools that enhances BBDB and further integrates
it with the email system, latex, hylafax, PDAs, etc.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/EOE/bbdbPlus/bbdbFilters"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" LSIP Design and Implementation Notes   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110501"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"December"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "An Overview and an engineering description of LSIP (Libre Services Integration
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LibrePlatform/lsip/lsipDesignNotes"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" ByEntity Design and Implementation Notes   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110502"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"December"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "ByEntity (the Libre Engine of ByStar) design and implementation notes.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LibrePlatform/ByEntity/ByEntityDesign"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Neda Libre Email Appliance Design and Implementation Notes Debian Qmail++ -- A Family of Adopted LSIP Components "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110504"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"January"},
   year          = "2008",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Neda Libre Email Appliance is based on Debian and qmail++ as a coherent family

of adopted LSIP components.
Neda Libre Appliances can be used as:

  • Ready to run Software. To be installed by the user.
  • Pre-Configured Servers. Ready to be plugged in. See
  • Ready to use ByStar Internet Application Services.
  • As part of a Libre Service Engine.", location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LibrePlatform/lsip/lsipEmailAppliance" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Neda Libre Fax Appliance Design and Implementation Notes Debian HylaFAX-Plus-Plus -- A Family of Adopted LSIP Components "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110505"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"May"},
   year          = "2003",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Neda Libre Fax Appliance is based on Debian Hylafax as an adopted LSIP
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LibrePlatform/lsip/lsipFaxAppliance"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" ByFacilities: Content Publication Facilities   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110506"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"May"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Libre Content Publication Facilities.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LibrePlatform/ByFacilities/contentPublicationFacilities"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" RFC-2188: AT&T/Nedaâ€TMs Efficient Short Remote Operations (ESRO) Protocol Specification Version 1.2  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110601"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "1997",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document specifies the service model, the notation and protocol for

Efficient Short Remote Operations (ESRO). The ESRO service is similar to and is consistent with other Remote Procedure Call services. The emphasis of ESRO service definition and the ESRO protocol is on efficiency. ESRO is designed specifically with wireless network (e.g., CDPD) usage in mind.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LEAP/RFCs/rfc-2188" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" RFC-2524: Neda's Efficient Mail Submission and Delivery (EMSD) Protocol Specification Version 1.3  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110602"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "1999",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document specifies the protocol and format encodings for Efficient Mail

Submission and Delivery (EMSD). EMSD is a messaging protocol that is highly optimized for submission and delivery of short Internet mail messages. EMSD is designed to be a companion to existing Internet mail protocols.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LEAP/RFCs/rfc-2524" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" RFCs esroAndEmsdAnnounce   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"110603"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"March"},
   year          = "2010",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/permanent/LEAP/RFCs/esroAndEmsdAnnounce"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Yet Another Iran Trip Report Mohsen BANAN's  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120001"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"July"},
   year          = "1999",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This summarizes my experiences and observations on a recent trip to Iran. I,
Mohsen BANAN, spent June 26, 1999 through July 14, 1999 in Tehran.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/essays/1999IranTripReport"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" COMPUTER TELEPHONE INTERFACE   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120002"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {""},
   year          = "",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Speech synthesis, the production of intelligible speech from computer data, is

no longer a novelty. Text-to-speech products with unlimted vocabulary are available. Soon, these products will be incorporated into telephone based inquiry systems that will give users access to data-bases from any phone. These systems would enable ordinary telephone sets to function as limited computer terminals. To accomplish this, in addition to the ability of sending information to the user in the form of computer generated speech, the system should be capable of accepting the data transmitted by the telephone (entries on the keypad of a Touch-Tone telephone set). The aim of this project has been to study possible approaches leading to implementation of a system that would enable a computer to fully use an ordinary telephone set. The six major functions associated with using the phone are:

  1. Picking-up the receiver
  2. Dialing a number
  3. Talking (transmitting information)
  4. Listening (receiving information)
  5. Hanging-up
  6. Recognizing the ring. Lifting and replacing the receiver is accomplished by using a solenoid that mechanically controls the cradle switch. Dialing is implemented by generating DTMF signals on the voice channel. A Votrax SC-01 phoneme synthesizer enables the system to talk. A MSD 3201 CMOS DTMF decoder/receiver can provide the ability to accept information (listen). Ring recognition may be accomplished through the use of a sound switch. By using the above mentioned functions, a computer could allow for the use of an ordinary telephone set as a limited terminal. Although not in the form of a %GÃ&hibar;¬Â%@nal product and totaly operational, the outcome of this project demonstrates the feasability and the practicality of implementing means of interaction between a computer and an ordinary telephone set.",

    location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/teleCommunications/mb-cti-thesis/98-latexCnvrt" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Resume for Mohsen BANAN   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120003"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"January"},
   year          = "2008",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "I am always interested in hearing about projects that are a good fit with my
skills and experience. Please contact_me to discuss your project.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/resumes/mohsen-res-07-1"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Domain Notation is Backwards Another Unnoticed Engineering Mis-Design  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120005"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Domain Notation used throught Internet is backwards. This is another example of
an noticed engineering mis-design.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/essays/geeky/domainNotationBackwardsness"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" SHAB-E YALDA   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120017"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"December"},
   year          = "1996",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "In December of 2006, I - Mohsen Banan - came across a series of articles that

link Shab-e Yalda with Christmas. Most Interesting! I decided to combine them all in one place and formed this short collection.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/essays/shabeYalda" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Comments and Observations   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120018"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"December"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Informed Comment is patterned after Juan Cole's model of commenting on current
affairs regularly.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/informedComment/general"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Mohsen BANAN's Reviews Collection   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120019"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"December"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "From time to time I write reviews of books and articles that I read. This
document is a collection of such reviews.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/reviews/books"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Internetwork Mobility -- The CDPD Approach   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120021"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"December"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This book was originally published by Prentice Hall. Got the copyrights back
and republsihed here.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/teleCommunications/internetMobilityBook-ttytex-010816"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Internet E-Mail Services Prepared For the Electronic Mail Association (EMA) PRMD Operators's Committee  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120022"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "1993",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This is a white paper that was prepared for the Electronic Mail Association

(EMA) PRMD Operators' Committee in 1993. At the time, Internet Email was regarded as somewhat fringe and EMA was mostly on the X.400 band wagon. In this paper, the author -- Mohsen Banan -- subtly makes the case for Internet Email and away from X.400.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/teleCommunications/internetEmailServices-1.3" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Externally Defined Body Parts (Body Part 15): Issues and Recommendations Prepared for the Electronic Mail Association (EMA) PRMD Operators' Committee "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120023"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"April"},
   year          = "1993",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This is a white paper that was prepared for the Electronic Mail Association

(EMA) PRMD Operators' Committee in 1993. The paper deals with problems and risks associated with email attachments. While primarily in X.400 context, the relevance to Internet Mail MIME attachments are also discussed. The abstract topics of this paper have become very real as Email viruses and warms became part of the email experience. Many of our recommendations of 1993, remain valid even more than 10 years later.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/teleCommunications/bodyPart15-1.3" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Complaints Against The IESG and The RFC-Editor About Publication of RFC-2188 (ESRO) "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120026"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"November"},
   year          = "1998",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This is a complaint against the IESG and the RFC-Editor about publication of
RFC-2188 (Efficient Short Remote Operations - ESRO) as an Informational RFC.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/teleCommunications/complaint-2188"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Curriculum Vitae de Mohsen BANAN   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120027"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Curriculum Vitae de Mohsen BANAN. En tant que consultant, je suis toujours

ouvert Ãf  des projets qui correspondent Ãf  mes capacities et mon experience. Contactez-moi si vous avez quelque chose Ãf  me proposer.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/resumes/french-res" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Mohsen Banan's NSF Biographical Sketch (BioSketch)   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120028"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Mohsen Banan's Biographical Sketch (BioSketch) in National Science Foundation
(NSF) format.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/resumes/nsf-biosketch"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Biographie Professionnelle de Mohsen BANAN   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120029"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Biographie Professionnelle de Mohsen BANAN",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/resumes/french-bio"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Le site personnel de Mohsen Banan   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"999999.120030"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Le site personnel de Mohsen Banan.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/resumes/french-home"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" وب سایت شخصی محسن بنان   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"999999.120032"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"October"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "ÃTMˆÃ~¨ Ã~³Ã~§ÛŒÃ~ª Ã~´Ã~®Ã~µÛŒ ÃTM…Ã~­Ã~³ÃTM† Ã~¨ÃTM†Ã~§ÃTM†",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/resumes/farsi-home"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" The Nature of Poly-Existentials: Basis for Abolishment of  The Western So-Called Intellectual Property Rights Regime "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"120033"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"March"},
   year          = "2012",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "The nature of poly-existentials as the basis for abolishment of the Western socalled 
intellectual property rights regime.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/polyExistential/mb_polyExistentials"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" The Nature of Poly-Existentials: Basis for Abolishment of  The Western So-Called Intellectual Property Rights Regime "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"999999.120033"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"March"},
   year          = "2010",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "The nature of poly-existentials as the basis for abolishment of the so-called
intellectual property rights regime.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/polyExistential/ah_polyExistentials"



   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" My Trip to Syria, April 2001   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"150002"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"January"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "A diary of my visit to Damascus, Syria with my father in April 2001.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/andrew/permanent/diaries/Syria-002"



   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Academic CV   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"150004"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"June"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Academic CV for Andrew Hammoude.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/andrew/permanent/resumes/academic"



   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Teaching Experience   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"150005"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"June"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Summary of teaching experience in mathematics and electrical engineering at the
University of Washington and University of Toronto.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/andrew/permanent/resumes/Teaching"



   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Writing Resume   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"150006"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"June"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Writing resume",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/andrew/permanent/resumes/Writing"



   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Our Trip to Coeur d'Alene   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"150007"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"June"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Diary of a short weekend trip to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho in August 2002.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/andrew/permanent/diaries/CoeurDAlene"



   author        = {" Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" Moral Philosophy: An Abstract Approach  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"150020"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"August"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "A collection of essays about Moral Philosophy.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/andrew/permanent/MoralPhilosophy"



   author        = {" Darshi BANAN "},
   title         = {" school ephemera   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"170001"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2010",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/darshi/permanent/notes/school/ephemera"



   author        = {" Darshi BANAN "},
   title         = {" Plant Communication BIOL 422 Winter 2011  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"170002"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/darshi/permanent/BIOL422/plantCommunication"



   author        = {" Darshi BANAN "},
   title         = {" darshi-res   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"170003"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"January"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/darshi/permanent/resumes/darshi-res"



   author        = {" Banan, et al. "},
   title         = {" Bystar Documentation Plan   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"180001"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/bystar/permanent/general/docPlan"



   author        = {" Banan, et al. "},
   title         = {" Bystar Documentation Plan   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"180001"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/bystar/permanent/general/docPlan"



   author        = {" Banan, et al. "},
   title         = {" Using ByStar Autonomous Libre Services   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"180002"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2010",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "ByStar Autonomous Libre Services",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/bystar/permanent/usage/autonomousServices"



   author        = {" Banan, et al. "},
   title         = {" Using ByStar Autonomous Libre Services   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"180002"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2010",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "ByStar Autonomous Libre Services",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/bystar/permanent/usage/autonomousServices"



   author        = {" Banan, et al. "},
   title         = {" Arabic/Persian Script with Debian GNU Linux   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"180003"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"January"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document points to all components needed for writing and publishing

sophisticated documents in Arabic/Persian script with Debian GNU/Linux. Document preparation is based on the ByStar Emacs Office Environment which full supports bidi (bi-directional text) and LaTeX processing. Desktop Publishing is based on XeTeX with XePersian and arabTex packages. Self-publication is based on ByStar Autonmous Libre Content Publication Facilities PLPC/110506. Document distribution and republication is based on ByStar Federated Syndication -- This document is available in Globish/English and in Persian/Farsi both in presentation and article formats. LaTeX sources and scripts for this document are offered as an example.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/bystar/permanent/usage/arabicPersianScript" }


   author        = {" Banan, et al. "},
   title         = {" ByStar Libre Emacs Environment (BLEE) A User Environment For The ByStar Halaal Digital Ecosystem  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"999999.180004"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "BLEE is the primary user environment for ByStar Autonomous Libre Services.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/bystar/permanent/usage/blee"



   author        = {" Banan, et al. "},
   title         = {" ByStar Libre Emacs Environment (BLEE) -- For Developers   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"180005"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "BLEE is the primary user environment for ByStar Autonomous Libre Services.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/bystar/permanent/usage/bleeDev"



   author        = {" Banan, et al. "},
   title         = {" docPlanUsage   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"180006"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/bystar/permanent/usage/docPlanUsage"



   author        = {" Banan, et al. "},
   title         = {" persoArabicScriptEnFa   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"180008"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{

180008}{ 180008}",

   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/bystar/permanent/usage/persoArabicScriptEnFa"



   author        = {" Banan, et al. "},
   title         = {" \begin{fa}  نÚ&hibar;ارش به فارسی با Ø&hibar;بین Ú&hibar;نو لینوکس (سکویز) \lr{ByStar} نرم افزار آزاØ&hibar; برای هم زنØ&hibar;Ú&hibar;انی   \end{fa} "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"180009"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/bystar/permanent/usage/persoArabicScriptFaEn"



   author        = {" Banan, et al. "},
   title         = {" Arabic/Persian Script with Debian GNU Linux   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"180010"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document points to all components needed for writing and publishing

sophisticated documents in Arabic/Persian script with Debian GNU/Linux. Document preparation is based on the ByStar Emacs Office Environment which full supports bidi (bi-directional text) and LaTeX processing. Desktop Publishing is based on XeTeX with XePersian and arabTex packages. Self-publication is based on ByStar Autonmous Libre Content Publication Facilities PLPC/110506. Document distribution and republication is based on ByStar Federated Syndication -- This document is available in Globish/English and in Persian/Farsi both in presentation and article formats. LaTeX sources and scripts for this document are offered as an example.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/bystar/permanent/usage/persoArabicScriptEn" }


   author        = {" Banan, et al. "},
   title         = {" ByStar Federation of Autonomous Libre Services Overview of Concepts and Models  "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"180011"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Libre Services are an extension of the principles of free software into the

Internet services domain. They are Internet services that can be freely copied and reused by anyone. The Libre Services model exists in relation to the proprietary Internet services model of Facebook, Youtube, MSN, Yahoo and Google, in an analogous way to how GNU/Linux exists in relation to Microsoft Windows. b The concept of “Autonomous Libre Services” focuses on preserving privacy by providing control over information to users with safe guards of functional transparency, information portability and non-retention controls. The concept of “Federation of Libre Services” focuses on interactions amongst Autonomous Libre Services and faciltation of information aggregation amongst Libre Services. Beyond ideology, we are building real-world implementations, deployment and usage in the form of ByStar Federations of Autonomous Libre Services.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/bystar/permanent/general/overview" }


   author        = {" Banan, et al. "},
   title         = {" otherUserEnvs   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"180012"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/bystar/permanent/usage/otherUserEnvs"



   author        = {" Banan, et al. "},
   title         = {" allSlides   "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"180013"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/bystar/permanent/general/allSlides"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" 061109_SU   "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"0611091"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This is a record of the presentation made at Seattle University on November 9,
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/Misc/061109_SU"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Transformation of Free Software into Libre Services. By* Family of Libre Services Presentation LinuxFest Presentation "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"0704281"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"April"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This is a record of the presentation made at LinuxFest Northwest 2007, on

Saturday April 28, 2007. The presentation was made at Bellingham Technical College, in room G-103 at 3:00 p.m.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/byStar/0704281-linuxFest" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Overview of ByStar Libre Services Transforming Free Software into Libre Services SPUG Presentation "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"0705152"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"May"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This is a record of the presentation made at the Seattle Perl Users Group

(SPUG) in downtown Seattle on May 15, 2007. Libre Services are an extension of the principles of free software into the domain of Internet services. The By Family of Libre Services is a unified and non-proprietary set of Internet Application Services, for both individuals and businesses. By Libre Services are based on 100% free software, which any company or organization can freely reproduce. This high-level overview presentation discusses this new services model from an engineering, societal and business perspective.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/byStar/0705152-SPUG" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Open Letter to Senator Patty Murray Don't Mess With Iran  "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"0709121"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2007",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "With the strong message of \"No Iran War\", accompanying a delegation of Green

Party of Washington State to Senator Murray's office, Mohsen BANAN (as an American, as an Iranian-American and as an Iranian) addresses Patty Murray.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/record/openLetters/070912" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Libre Texting: A Reshaping of the Medium Email Transcript  "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"0905081"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"May"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document is the transcript of our public email titled, \"Libre Texting: A

Reshaping of the Medium.\" Starting on May 11, 2009, and on subsequent dates, this email has been sent to multiple recipients. This email is part of our campaign to publicize and promote the Libre Texting concept, and is open to readership by anyone. Please feel free to forward this transcript to others who may be interested.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/transcripts/mail/LibreTextingReshaping" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Email Records Regarding Publication of RFC-2188 (ESRO) Efficient Short Remote Operations Participants: IESG/IAB, RFC-Editor and RFC Authors "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"199709101"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "1997",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This communication records relate to publications of RFC-2188 between the RFC
Editor, the IESG and the Author.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/RFC/emailRecords-2188-Publication"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Email Records Regarding putting RFC-2188 on Standards Track Efficient Short Remote Operations (ESRO) Participants: IESG/IAB, RFC-Editor and RFC Authors "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"199811091"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"November"},
   year          = "1998",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Communication Records with IESG with Respect to Putting RFC-2188 on Standard
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/RFC/emailRecords-2188-StdTrack"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Email Records Regarding Publication of RFC-2524 (EMSD) Efficient Mail Submission and Delivery Participants: IESG/IAB, RFC-Editor and RFC Authors "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"199902261"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "1999",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Communication Records Relating to RFC-2524.",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/RFC/emailRecords-2524-Publication"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Author's Patent Free Statement for RFC-2188   "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"200002071"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Author's Patent Free Statement for RFC-2188",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/record/declarations/author/rfc2188"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Author's Patent Free Statement for RFC-2524   "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"200002072"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"February"},
   year          = "2000",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Author's Patent Free Statement for RFC-2524",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/record/declarations/author/rfc2524"



   author        = {" Martin Haeberli for Greg Amadon "},
   title         = {" WhiteBerry Technical Due Diligence Report (2003)   "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"200301211"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"January"},
   year          = "2003",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document is an independent due diligence evaluation report of Nedaâ€ÂTMs

Operation WhiteBerry initiative, commissioned by Greg Amadon and conducted by Martin Haeberli in January 2003.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/WhiteBerry/HaeberlyDueDiligence" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" In tune with the chuckle factor Neda's By Libre Services -- Open Business Plan Email Transcript "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"200903161"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"May"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document is the transcript of our email titled, In tune with the chuckle

factor—Neda's By Libre Services—Open Business Plan. This email has been sent out to multiple qualified investors and qualified investor groups, nationwide. The material in this email transcript is part of a model for securing private, as opposed to public, investment. The material in this transcript does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to purchase. If you are not a venture capitalist, angel investor, or otherwise qualified investor, please disregard this email transcript.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/transcripts/mail/InvestorChuckleFactor" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Libre Services: free software ideology for Internet services Email Transcript  "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"200903311"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"March"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document is the transcript of our public email titled, \"Libre Services:

free software ideology for Internet services.\" Starting on March 31, 2009, and on subsequent dates, this email has been sent to multiple recipients. This email is part of our campaign to publicize and promote the Libre Services concept, and is open to readership by anyone. Please feel free to forward this transcript to others who may be interested.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/transcripts/mail/FreeSoftwareIdeology" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Our Internet engineering responsibility: my mailings and you Email Transcript  "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"200905161"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"May"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document is the transcript of our email titled, \"Our Internet engineering

responsibility: my mailings and you.\" We typically send this as an introductory email to a new recipient we are adding to our email distribution list.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/transcripts/mail/LibreMailingsAndYou" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" (June 2009) NSF SBIR Proposal -- Libre Texting: A Reshaping of the Medium  "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"200906091"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"June"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document is the transcript of a Small Business Innovation Program (SBIR)

proposal, submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) by Neda Communications, Inc. on June 9, 2009.
The proposal describes Libre Texting, a new incarnation of the Mobile Email/ Wireless Texting (henceforth just \"Texting\") medium, based on the Free Software ideology. Today the Texting industry is dominated by the proprietary, walled garden model. The goal of Libre Texting is to provide equivalent functionality to existing proprietary Texting solutions such as BlackBerry, but (a) based entirely on patent-free protocols and free software, (b) using any mobile Internet device, and (c) wherever any type of wireless Internet connectivity is available. The proposed approach comprises five elements:

  1. The inherent propagative power of the Free Software and end-to-end models
  2. An overlay network architecture
  3. A new set of messaging protocols
  4. A novel software architecture for Message Transfer Agent integration
  5. A new software architecture for multiform device integration, based on Device-Resident End-MTA middleware The proposed technology is highly synergistic with current industry dynamics, including: burgeoning recognition of the power of FOSS, ready availability of Linux-based mobile devices, and widespread Wi-Fi availability. Existing email protocols lack push-mode delivery, and bandwidth and power efficiency; the proposed new protocol profile corrects these shortcomings. The proposed research is to determine feasibility of all critical elements of this approach at large scale.",

    location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/NSF/LibreTextingSbir/article" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Review Comments for NSF SBIR proposal # 0946146: Libre Texting: A Reshaping of the Medium  "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"200911031"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"November"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document is a record of the review comments received in response to a

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) proposal we submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF).
On June 9, 2009 we submitted SBIR proposal number 0946146, titled \"Libre Texting: A Reshaping of the Medium.\" The proposal was declined by the NSF. We received notification of this decision, along with the review comments, on November 02, 2009. The present document records the review comments as taken verbatim from the NSF FastLane system.
We examined the NSF review comments closely, subjecting them to our own internal analysis and discussion. Our conclusion is that they are almost entirely incorrect, representing a near-total lack of understanding by the reviewers of the substance of the proposal. Complete details of our analysis of the review comments are provided in a separate document titled, \"A Live Case Study for NSF SBIR Proposal No. 0946146,\" available online at http://
The proposal as originally submitted is also available online at http://",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/NSF/LibreTextingSbir/reviewComments" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN, Andrew Hammoude "},
   title         = {" (Dec 2009) NSF SBIR Proposal -- Libre Texting: A Reshaping of the Medium  "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"200912031"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"December"},
   year          = "2009",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This document is the transcript of a Small Business Innovation Program (SBIR)

proposal, submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) by Neda Communications, Inc. on December 3, 2009. The proposal describes Libre Texting, a new incarnation of the Mobile Email/ Wireless Texting (henceforth just \"Texting\") medium, based on the Free Software ideology. Today the Texting industry is dominated by the proprietary, walled garden model. The goal of Libre Texting is to provide equivalent functionality to existing proprietary Texting solutions such as BlackBerry, but (a) based entirely on patent-free protocols and free software, (b) using any mobile Internet device, and (c) wherever any type of wireless Internet connectivity is available. The proposed approach comprises five elements:

  1. The inherent propagative power of the Free Software and end-to-end models
  2. An overlay network architecture
  3. A new set of messaging protocols
  4. A novel software architecture for Message Transfer Agent integration
  5. A new software architecture for multiform device integration, based on Device-Resident End-MTA middleware The proposed technology is highly synergistic with current industry dynamics, including: burgeoning recognition of the power of FOSS, ready availability of Linux-based mobile devices, and widespread Wi-Fi availability. Existing email protocols lack push-mode delivery, and bandwidth and power efficiency; the proposed new protocol profile corrects these shortcomings. The proposed research is to determine feasibility of all critical elements of this approach at large scale.",

    location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/NSF/LibreTextingSbir/article-0912" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Open Letter to Seattle University Against Israeli Consul Presenting at Seattle University on November 3rd, 2010 Against War With Iran "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"20101103"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"November"},
   year          = "2010",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Mohsen Banan's open letter to Seattle University and Seattleâ€ÂTMs World Affairs

Council -- the organizers of a presentation by consul general of Israel (San Francisco) -- protesting their providing a platform for promotion of Israeli war policies.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/record/openLetters/20101103" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" BLEE (ByStar Libre Emacs Environment): A Deeply Integrated Emacs User Environment For the Software-Service Continuum LinuxFest NW 2011 "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"201105011"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"April"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Emacs is far more than just an editor. Viewing Emacs as an Editor Centered User

Environment is only the beginning of recognizing its power. Beyond a user environment, we have been using Emacs as Software-Service Integration Framework for many years. We are now in the process of packaging the entire environment as the ultimate User Environment For the Software-Service Continum. This package we call BLEE. The By* Libre Emacs Environment. Blee goes beyond Emacs by fully integrating Emacs and Firefox/Iceweasel and all of Linux apps underneath it. BLEE features include: – Emacs <—-> Firefox (two way integration) – Inside of Firefox: edit everything through Emacs, Send emails using Emacs+Gnus, … – Inside of Emacs: write html and view it in native firefox in realtime, View all your Gnus email messages in full html in firefox, … Think of Emacs and Firefox as joint sisters. They are all you need. – Incredible Email capabilities Built on top of Gnus. Awsome Multi-Mailbox and Multi-Address support provided with ByStar. Great Anti-Spam capabilities, Search Capabilities, Scoring based on full integration with the address book. Mailing lists access through News with Gmane. – Organizational Tools the likes of which exists no where else: Address Book: bbdb (Big Brother DataBase), Calendar/Diary, Org Mode: To Do Lists, Worklogs, Dynamic Blocks, – Full Integration With dict (Multi-Lingual Dictionaries, Thesarus, …), Powerfull templating systems and Abbreviations. – Fully Multi-Lingual (m17n). Emacs 24 now includes bidi (bidirectional editing). That means in addition to Latin being native, now Perso-Arabic script is also native emacs. – Of course, Music (emms) and tons of games. And all of this we will show you. This talk will for the most part be interactive demos.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/byStar/201105011-linuxFest-blee" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" The Concept of An Open Business Plan Example: Neda's By* Libre Services LinuxFest NW 2011 "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"201105012"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"April"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Traditionally business plans have been highly confidential and quite limited in

audience. The business plan itself is generally regarded as secret. However the emergence of free software and open source has opened the model and made the notion of an open business plan possible. An open business plan is a business plan with unlimited audience. The business plan is typically web published and made available to all. In the free software and open source business model, trade secrets, copyright and patents can no longer be used as effective locking mechanisms to provide sustainable advantages to a particular business and therefore a secret business plan is less relevant in those models. While the origin of the open business plan model is in the free software and Libre Services arena, the concept is likely applicable to other domains. In theory, a business plan has many uses and purposes. As a strategic plan it gives the organization its direction, defines priorities, guides allocation of resources, defines goals, objectives, processes and strategies; and identifies and focuses the business on specific markets and revenue sources. In practice most business plans are none of the above. Instead they are purely a tool for fundraising. The dotCon era (late 1990s) demonstrated how business plans can become an agreement document between entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists on how to engage in spin and flip and pump and dump activities. That makes the requirement for the business plan being secret even stronger. In what we believe is a first in the history of business practice, we are publishing our business model in the form of an Open Business Plan. The plan is freely available on our website to be read by anyone. The primary url for Neda's Open Business Plan is: Our business model of not using the locking mechanisms of trade secrets, copyright and patents plus the notion of an open business plan is very difficult to digest for Venture Capitalists. Yet, the scope and scale of what we are trying to do requires facilitation of external participation including capital investment. Our engagement with Venture Capitalists typically starts here: http:// Insisting on this honest and transparent model has come at a price. We point with pride to the fact of having been thrown out of the offices of some of the most prestigious high-technology venture capital companies in the Pacific Northwest. In this presentation, we will provide an overview of the model that we have been following and the lessons we have learned from interacting with VCs. We believe that open source software engineers are best positioned to pave the way towards making widespread the concept of open business plans. We highly encourage those wishing to attend this presentation to page through this example open business plan.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/byStar/201105012-linuxFest-openBusPlan" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" ByStar Federation of Autonomous Libre Services Free Software Ideology for Internet Services LinuxFest Northwest "},
   type          = "Published Libre Record",
   number        = {"201105013"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"April"},
   year          = "2011",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Libre Services are an extension of the principles of free software into the

Internet services domain. They are Internet services that can be freely copied and reused by anyone. The Libre Services model exists in relation to the proprietary Internet services model of Facebook, Youtube, MSN, Yahoo and Google, in an analogous way to how GNU/Linux exists in relation to Microsoft Windows. The concept of “Autonomous Libre Services” focuses on preserving privacy by providing control over information to users with safe guards of functional transparency, information portability and non-retention controls. The concept of “Federation of Libre Services” focuses on interactions amongst Autonomous Libre Services and faciltation of information aggregation amongst Libre Services. Beyond ideology, we are building real-world implementations, deployment and usage in the form of ByStar Federations of Autonomous Libre Services.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/record/byStar/201105013-linuxFest-overview" }


   author        = {" Keri Schreiner "},
   title         = {" WAP 2.0: Mature Enough for Flight?   "},
   type          = "Re-Published Content",
   number        = {"100801"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {""},
   year          = "",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "In this article Ms. Schreiner describes the near-complete irrelevance into

which WAP has been thrown by the recent announcement by W3C of XHTML. She also cites LEAP as a possible successor to WAP, and quotes extensively from Mohsen Banan, founder of the Free Protocols Foundation.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/repub/pressClipping/ieee/20001201/leap" }


   author        = {" Robert McMillan "},
   title         = {" Open Source Alternative to Blackberry's Wireless Messaging Debuts   "},
   type          = "Re-Published Content",
   number        = {"110801"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {""},
   year          = "",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "In an extraordinarily prescient piece of journalistic reporting, Robert

McMillan discovered the Whiteberry project and published the following article in May 2002.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/neda/repub/pressClipping/OpenEnterpriseTrends/20020901/whiteBerry" }


   author        = {" Donald N. Wilber "},
   type          = "Re-Published Content",
   number        = {"120004"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {""},
   year          = "",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "I dedicate this restoration effort to all tax payers to the American federal

government who recognize that by being a financier of such atrocities, they have blood on their hand and who are doing something about preventing such atrocities in future.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/repub/politics/iran/mossadeq/cia-53-iranCoup" }


   author        = {Jalal Al-e-Ahmad},
   title         = {"Gharbzadegi -- \begin{fa} غرب زØ&hibar;Ú&hibar;ى \end{fa}"},
   type          = "Re-Published Content",
   number        = {"120024"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {""},
   year          = "",
   note          = "\url{}",
   abstract      = "By the time of the Iranian revolution in 1978 there was recognition and

consensus of many of the thoughts that first appeared in Ã~¬ÃTM„Ã~§ÃTM„ Ã~¢ÃTM„‌Ã~§Ã~­ÃTM…Ã~Â&hibar; 's Ã~ºÃ~±Ã~¨ Ã~²Ã~Â&hibar;ÚÂ&hibar;ÃTM‰ published and subsequently sensored in 1964. This book played a significant role on the path that has brought Iran to where it is today. It remains necessary that it be read widely and that it be readily available to anyone who wishes to read it. In 2008 I attempted to locate an Internet published copy of the book. I found it at: That publication however does not accommodate cover to cover reading as a book. I took that text and formatted it more like a traditional book and am web publishing it in PDF and Postscript formats. Here it is.
[NOTYET: Make the case for importance of web publication. And that a sequel is needed.]",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/repub/politics/iran/gharbzadegi/restoration" }


   author        = {" Akio Morita and Shintaro Ishihara "},
   title         = {" The Japan that Can Say No   "},
   type          = "Re-Published Content",
   number        = {"120025"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"January"},
   year          = "1990",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "This is a translation of a best-selling Japanese book called \"The Japan That

Can Say No.\" If you read no further in this introductory note, please at least read this: the group that has typed in and posted this translation wishes to secure for it the widest possible distribution. Please mail [this document] either in print or electronically, to colleagues, newspaper editors, members of the national and local government, academics, radio talk-show hosts, friends, and family; hand them out at work; leave piles of them by the coffee machine. Note that the book is rather short, and so can be conveniently Xerox-copied.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/repub/politics/japan/publication/japanSaysNo" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" iran mossadeq 1951TimesManOfTheYear   "},
   type          = "Re-Published Content",
   number        = {"120026"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"November"},
   year          = "2008",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/repub/politics/iran/mossadeq/1951TimesManOfTheYear"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" iran mossadeq britishDocs   "},
   type          = "Re-Published Content",
   number        = {"120027"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"November"},
   year          = "2008",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/repub/politics/iran/mossadeq/britishDocs"



   author        = {" Farhang Tahmasebi \begin{fa} فرهنÚ&hibar; طهماسبي \end{fa}"},
   title         = {" Iran's Theological Research on Intellectual Property Rights  \begin{fa}  Ù¾Ú~وهشي فقهي Ø&hibar;ر باب مالÙfيت فÙfري و معنوي  \end{fa}"},
   type          = "Re-Published Content",
   number        = {"120028"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"September"},
   year          = "2012",
   note          = "\url{}",
   abstract      = "The original publication point of this document is:

It was reprocessed with Farsi LaTeX and is now available in PDF, PS and HTML formats below. This re-publication makes reading of the document easier with the intent of making its readership wider.",

location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/repub/politics/iran/feghhiMalekiatFekri/farsiLatex" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" eoe-bbdb-filters -- Emacs Office Environment BBDB Filters A Collection BBDB Input and Output Filters  "},
   type          = "Software Content",
   number        = {"bbdb-filters"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"November"},
   year          = "2008",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "BBDB Filters Package is a collection of filters and is called \"BBDB Input and

Output Filters\". They are a family of filters that convert the information in BBDB to and from a variety of other formats. \"Output filters\" export BBDB information to other formats while \"input filters\" import information from other formats into BBDB.",

location = "/lcnt/sw/neda/eoe/bbdb/bbdb-filters" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" ByStar Libre Services Engine   "},
   type          = "Software Content",
   number        = {"bystar-engine"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"November"},
   year          = "2008",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "ByStar Libre Services Engine provides necessary software for implementation of
ByStar Services.",
   location      = "/lcnt/sw/neda/bystar/libreEngine/debian"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" EMSD-SA-Mul: Efficient Mail Submission and Delivery - Server Agent   "},
   type          = "Software Content",
   number        = {"emsd-sa-mul"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"November"},
   year          = "2008",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Efficient Mail Submission and Delivery - Server Agent (EMSD-SA) is a full
implementation of RFC-2524.",
   location      = "/lcnt/sw/neda/leap/emsd/EMSD-SA-Mul"



   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" EMSD-UA-Mul: Efficient Mail Submission and Delivery - User Agent   "},
   type          = "Software Content",
   number        = {"emsd-ua-mul"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"November"},
   year          = "2008",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Efficient Mail Submission and Delivery - User Agent (EMSD-UA) is a full

implementation of RFC-2524. The EMSD User Agent is composed of a number of cooperating modules. Some modules cooperate by one module calling functions in another module as needed. Other modules cooperate via a call-back methodology where functions in one module are registered with another module, so that when a particular event or action occurs, the registered function will be called.",

location = "/lcnt/sw/neda/leap/emsd/EMSD-UA-Mul" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" ESRO-MulPub-SRC: Efficient Short Remote Operations (ESRO)    "},
   type          = "Software Content",
   number        = {"esros-mulpub"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"August"},
   year          = "2008",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Efficient Short Remote Operations (ESRO) is a complete implementation of RFC-

2188. ESRO provides reliable connectionless remote operation services on top of UDP (or any other non-reliable connectionless transport service) with minimum overhead ESRO protocol supports segmentation and reassembly, concatenation and separation as well as multiplexing for service users (applications).",

location = "/lcnt/sw/neda/leap/esro/ESROS-MulPub" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Libre Services Integration Platform (LSIP)   "},
   type          = "Software Content",
   number        = {"lsip-pub"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"November"},
   year          = "2008",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "LSIP (Libre Services Integration Platform) are a set of tools on top of which

various consistent polices can be implemented. This is a collection tools that collectively lets you consistently manage Unix and Linux systems and some of the tools will also manage Windows system.",

location = "/lcnt/sw/neda/foundation/lsip/lsip-pub" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Open C Platform (OCP) Foundation Facilities for Development of Libre Protocols  "},
   type          = "Software Content",
   number        = {"ocp-mul"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"November"},
   year          = "2008",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Open C Platform (OCP) is a set of well defined interfaces and service

definitions for basic facilities needed for implementation of lower layer OSI protocol in C. Independent implementations of OSI protocols that adhere to Open C Environment (OCE) can easily be integrated to realize real open systems.",

location = "/lcnt/sw/neda/foundation/ocp/OCP-Mul" }


   author        = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
   title         = {" Voice Response Development Environment (VoRDE)   "},
   type          = "Software Content",
   number        = {"vorde-mul"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"November"},
   year          = "2008",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
   abstract      = "Voice Response Development Environment (VoRDE) provides a convinient

environment for developing and managing Voice Response application. It is a collection of generalized commands, voice programming tools, software libraries, and related publications.",

location = "/lcnt/sw/neda/vorde/mul/vorde-mul" }


   author        = {"  "},
   title         = {"    "},
   type          = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
   number        = {"/acct/subs/banan/1/mohsen/lcaPlone3/ContentTree/Home/index_html/webPageLcnt"},
   institution   = "Autonomously Self-Published",
   month         = {"April"},
   year          = "2013",
   note          = "\htmladdnormallink{http:///PLPC//acct/subs/banan/1/mohsen/lcaPlone3/ContentTree/Home/index_html/webPageLcnt}{http:///PLPC//acct/subs/banan/1/mohsen/lcaPlone3/ContentTree/Home/index_html/webPageLcnt}",
   abstract      = "UnspecifiedDescription",
   location      = "/acct/smb/org/freeprotocols/lcaPlone3/ContentTree/Home/index_html/webPageLcnt"


Document Actions
Libre/Halaal Internet Services Provided At LibreCenter By Neda

Member of By* Federation Of Autonomous Libre Services

This web site has been created based exclusively on the use of Halaal Software and Halaal Internet Application Services. It is part of the By* Federation of Autonomous Libre Services which in turn are part of the Halaal/Libre By* Digitial Ecosystem which incorporate the following software components: