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References For EMSD (Previously known as LSM and pACT)

References For EMSD (Previously known as LSM and pACT)

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References For EMSD (Previously known as LSM and pACT)

The RFC Editor
	Bob Braden
	Joyce Reynolds,

In response to your request for references about:

   Efficient Mail Submission and Delivery (EMSD) 

I am including names and addresses for 4 people with
stature in the wireless and messaging industry which
can provide you additional independent information
about EMSD. This is for the purpose of publication
of EMSD Specification as a Non-IETF,
Non-Standards-Track, Informational RFC.

>>>>> On Mon, 21 Dec 1998 12:26:24 -0800, braden@ISI.EDU said:

  Braden> ...

  Braden> As noted in RFC 2223, the RFC Editor sometimes seeks outside advice on
  Braden> publication.   This is sort of an informal peer review.  It would be
  Braden> helpful if you could refer the RFC Editor to a couple of technical
  Braden> people who are familiar with EMSD, but who are in no way connected with
  Braden> your company (since you have raised your profit situation as an
  Braden> argument in this case).   We suggest that you pick people with stature
  Braden> in your particular area.  BTW, the RFC Editor has contacted one highly
  Braden> respected Internet technical person in the cellular area to ask for a
  Braden> reference on your work, but he had not heard of EMSD or ESRO.

  Braden> ...

EMSD and ESRO are the names that we have used in the
context of the Internet at large for these
protocols and technology.

In the context of CDPD, the name that has been used
for the technology is: Limited Size Messaging (LSM).

In the context of Narrowband PCS, the name that was
used is: "pACT".

You can use the following persons as references for

	"Mark S. Taylor" <>
	Bob Lukas <>
	Rob Mechaley <>
	Bill Frezza <>

Mark S. Taylor - Teledesic
         Direct: (425) 602-6622

Mr. Taylor is a director at Teledesic.
He is the author of: 
   RFC-1674, "A Cellular Industry View of IPng". 

Mr. Taylor is the co-author of: 

  Internetwork Mobility - The CDPD Approach
  Taylor, Waung and Banan
  Prentice Hall
  ISBN: 0-13-209693-5

Mr. Taylor has been involved in the design of
EMSD/LSM/pACT since 1994.

Bob Lukas - Sierra Wireless
           Work: (604) 231-1118

Mr. Lukas is director of Software Engineering at
Sierra Wireless. Sierra Wireless is one of the
leading suppliers of wireless modems.

Mr. Lukas is one of the primary architects of
Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) System
Specifications. CDPD is the largest native IP wide
area wireless network today.

Sierra Wireless has been using implementations of
EMSD with their wireless modems for close to two

Rob Mechaley - Wildfire Communications, Inc.
        Wildfire: (888) 740-9453

Mr. Mechaley is the President of Wildfire
Communications, Inc. 

Prior to Wildfire, Mr. Mechaley was a senior Vice
President at AT&T Wireless Services in charge of
Strategic Technology.

The initial concepts of EMSD was conceived by
Mr. Mechaley along side with Craig McCaw and Jim
Barksdale in the 1993/1994 time frame.

Bill Frezza - Wirless Computing Associates, Inc.
           Work: (215) 321-0929

Mr. Frezza is regarded as a visionary in the
Wireless Industry. 

Early in the evolution of EMSD/LSM, in 1995,
Mr. Frezza made the following observations about

Quoting from Communications Week July 17, 1995:

	"I'm damned impressed. McCaw
	seems to have done a very compe-
	tent job of pulling this together
        without reinventing the wheel," 
	said William Frezza, ....

I hope that you find this information useful.

Please let me know if you need additional
information or have any questions.

Respectfully Yours,

        Mohsen Banan
        Neda Communications, Inc.               tel: +1-425-644-8026
        17005 S.E. 31st Place                   fax: +1-425-562-9591
        Bellevue, Wa 98008                      E-Mail:
            U.S.A.                              URL:

Re: Banan - Re: Publication of EMSD as an Informational RFC, braden
Re: Banan - Re: Publication of EMSD as an Informational RFC, braden
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