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Death of the American Journalist

Document # DRAFT-120010
Version 0.1
September 12, 2007

Mohsen BANAN

Copyright © 2007, Mohsen BANAN

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List of Tables

0.1 The Profession of Journalism is Dead in America

Journalism is amongst a few critical professions that are essential to health of the society.

The responsibility of the journalist is to publish the truth. Simply put the journalist is to report the facts accurately and without bias, agenda, prejudice or passion. If the journalist is bought then there is no truth. The society starts to rot.

That has now fully happened to the American journalist.

There is very little truth left in the American press. Spheres of consensus are created and manipulated by corporation, the corpocracy and neocolonial agendas.

Self-censorship has become second nature to the point that the American journalist is unaware of it.

Here are some of the dynamics. If the American journalist writes pro-Israel he gets promoted. If the American journalist writes pro-Palestine he gets demoted. Guess what gets written. The truth has become irrelevant to the American journalist. All that he remains concerned with is the pretence of balance.

Real journalists the likes of Alexander Cockburn are driven to the fringes. Extreme Zionists the likes of Wolf Blitzer receive full corporate support and become corpocracy’s favorite.

As corporate tools and agents of corpocracy, the American journalist manipulates the American consumer and creates bogus Spheres of consensus such as:

  • Bogus Sphere of Consensus: Jews Are the Victims
  • Bogus Sphere of Consensus: Israeli Jews are democratic, Moslem Palestinians are Terrorists
  • Bogus Sphere of Consensus: American and Israeli interests are the same
  • Bogus Sphere of Consensus: Saddam has weapons of mass destruction
  • Bogus Sphere of Consensus: Iran is a threat

The journalist is expected to function as a mirror for the society. The ugly American character is perfectly happy with a rigged mirror.

As a result the sphere of consensus outside of the US is that the core of the American character is that of a morally bankrupt self absorbed bully.

Failures of the profession of journalism in America are numerous and widespread. Below I touch on several that I have first hand experience with.

0.1.1 Failing The Palestinians

0.1.2 The Post Iranian Revolution Failure

The deactivation of the US embassy in 1979 was directly linked to the 1953 CIA coup.

Iranians could not have taken a chance and allow the US embassy to possibly be reused for another coup. Deactivation of the US embassy was a measure of self-defense.

Though details of the Mossadeq coup were well known at the time, the American press portrayed it as an unprovoked hostage crisis.

The American journalist failed to give meaningful historic context to the deactivation of the US embassy.

0.1.3 The Iran-Iraq War Failure

The US press portrayed the invasion of Iran by Saddam as a justified conflict.

0.1.4 The Dot-Con Failure

The American journalist sucked up to spin and flippers and participated in much pump and dump.

0.1.5 The 9/11 Failure

After 9/11 no American journalist ever bothered to ask WHY?

The likes of Chalmers Johnson who understood blowback were pushed to the fringes.

0.1.6 The Iraq Invasion Failure

As tools of the Military-Industrial-Congressional complex the American journalist pushed the neo-con agenda and took Americans to a botched colonial war.

0.1.7 The Iran Demonization Failure

The American journalist again functioned as a tool of corpocracy and the Zionist AIPAC to demonize Iran without regard to facts.

Deliberate Mistranslation of “Israel Should Be Wiped Off the Map”

Deliberate Portrayal of President Ahmadinejad as Jewish holocaust Denier

Iran Fear Mongering

0.1.8 Copyleft and Journalism

Copyright is the primary tool of the capitalist to control Journalism. What if the profession of Journalism was to adopt Copyleft as a matter of course?

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